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Solar Eclipse 2024

April 8, 2024



A solar eclipse occurs when the moon moves directly between the Earth and the sun, obscuring the sun from our view. Depending on the alignment, this can be a partial eclipse, where the moon covers only part of the sun, or a total eclipse, where the moon completely covers the sun for a short time. Today's event will be visible in varying degrees across the United States, with some areas experiencing totality.

Totality occurs during a total solar eclipse in locations where the moon completely covers the sun's disk. The path of totality is essentially the shadow of the moon touching the Earth's surface. Only observers within this narrow path can experience a total solar eclipse; those outside this path see a partial eclipse.

Observing a solar eclipse, especially totality, is a thrilling experience. However, it's crucial to do so safely by using proper eye protection.


Find out what time the eclipse will happen in your area and if you are in the path of totality at NASA.


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